Friday, January 24, 2020

The Cycle of Sacrifice in the Roman Catholic Mass :: Religion Christianity Judaism Essays

The Cycle of Sacrifice in the Roman Catholic Mass The Christian Church is centered on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is what set the early Christians apart from their Jewish roots. In the Christian Church the notion of sacrifice is based on Jesus Christ as the ultimate sacrifice. This comes from a long tradition of sacrifice throughout the Hebrew Scriptures. In the Jewish tradition there are sacrifices made at certain times of the year. For example, traditionally during Passover each family has a rabbi sacrifice a lamb. The Jewish belief is that this sacrifice must take place every year at Passover. The Christian belief has changed since the death of Christ. Christians believe Christ has become the one true sacrifice. The reason the sacrifice of the Hebrews must be continued is two fold. The Hebrew sacrifice is made to God, by a priest who is imperfect, and the sacrifice itself is also imperfect. This imperfection and the presence of sin prevent the sacrifice from becoming eternal and therefore must be rep eated. In the Christian view, Jesus is the perfect victim and the perfect sacrificer. The emphasis on sacrifice in the Catholic Church has changed. In the earliest days bread was broken in a meal of fellowship. Eyewitness accounts of the works of Jesus Christ were the center of the fathering. It was a gathering of a community of believers. Gradually this emphasis on community and discussion has changed to an emphasis on the sacrifice of Jesus. By the middle ages this is the center of all. People came to adore the Blessed Sacrament while the priest offered the sacrifice. This centrality on the eucharist and the priest as sacrificer was solidified by the Council of Trent. In time, the people yearned for a greater participation in the liturgy. This led to the Second Vatican Council in which great changes to the liturgy resulted in a shift of emphasis back to the words and works of Jesus and to the people as the mystical body of Christ. In the earliest church there was little to no mention of sacrifice. The focus of the beliefs of the community was around the resurrection and good works of Jesus. Just after the death of Christ, Jewish Christians gathered in homes after the Temple service. The Cycle of Sacrifice in the Roman Catholic Mass :: Religion Christianity Judaism Essays The Cycle of Sacrifice in the Roman Catholic Mass The Christian Church is centered on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is what set the early Christians apart from their Jewish roots. In the Christian Church the notion of sacrifice is based on Jesus Christ as the ultimate sacrifice. This comes from a long tradition of sacrifice throughout the Hebrew Scriptures. In the Jewish tradition there are sacrifices made at certain times of the year. For example, traditionally during Passover each family has a rabbi sacrifice a lamb. The Jewish belief is that this sacrifice must take place every year at Passover. The Christian belief has changed since the death of Christ. Christians believe Christ has become the one true sacrifice. The reason the sacrifice of the Hebrews must be continued is two fold. The Hebrew sacrifice is made to God, by a priest who is imperfect, and the sacrifice itself is also imperfect. This imperfection and the presence of sin prevent the sacrifice from becoming eternal and therefore must be rep eated. In the Christian view, Jesus is the perfect victim and the perfect sacrificer. The emphasis on sacrifice in the Catholic Church has changed. In the earliest days bread was broken in a meal of fellowship. Eyewitness accounts of the works of Jesus Christ were the center of the fathering. It was a gathering of a community of believers. Gradually this emphasis on community and discussion has changed to an emphasis on the sacrifice of Jesus. By the middle ages this is the center of all. People came to adore the Blessed Sacrament while the priest offered the sacrifice. This centrality on the eucharist and the priest as sacrificer was solidified by the Council of Trent. In time, the people yearned for a greater participation in the liturgy. This led to the Second Vatican Council in which great changes to the liturgy resulted in a shift of emphasis back to the words and works of Jesus and to the people as the mystical body of Christ. In the earliest church there was little to no mention of sacrifice. The focus of the beliefs of the community was around the resurrection and good works of Jesus. Just after the death of Christ, Jewish Christians gathered in homes after the Temple service.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

A Soccer Story Essay

Snow fluttered to the ground as Jane pulled her gold jersey closer to guard against the blistering chill. Although the miniature goblins and ghouls had just collected their annual treats, winter was already wrapping its bitterly cold hands around her. The soccer field shone, glistening from the already melting snowflakes. Even though championship game had not yet started, the Warrior stadium overflowed with rows of eager fans, enthusiastic to be watching such an important soccer match. The line of girls marched up to the slushy field to meet their adversaries, the Panthers, shivering in their gold soccer shorts. Jane could see the opposing team glance warily at them as if the game was just a waste of their time. In every heart burned the desire to win, to achieve a task never before accomplished. The Lady Warriors were on a mission: to beat the Panthers for the first time in school history. The first forty-five minutes of the game went uneventfully; both teams attempted to score, but the soccer ball was shuttled around the field like a ping-pong ball, aimlessly with no sense of direction. As they battled against their opponents, the harsh and brutal wind attacked the athletes. They had to win. They had to beat the cold. They had to beat the best team, and they had to get even. Whistle blaring, halftime was declared, and the team trudged back through the icy grass, disappointed. The winter chill was barely felt as their unspoken frustration took over. The team circled together and listened to their coach’s encouragements. The shrill whistle sounded once again, and the team charged back onto the field, feeling the motivation to win, remembering Coach Smith’s last words: â€Å"There’s nothing you girls can’t do†. Jane was inspired and she rushed on the field, playing like a maniac. Suddenly, an ear-splitting crack was heard and for a second, there was silence. Perhaps her excitement blinded all other senses, but Jane only remembered seeing a blur moving in her direction before she collapsed on to the snowy field, head throbbing. Head bowed down in defeat, Jane could not bring herself to look up at the crowd surrounding her. But a solitary clap  emanated from the row of spectators, and as she lifted up her tear-streaked face, her eyes locked with those of her optimistic team mates. Unsteadily, Jane stood up and the stadium resounded with cheers. The game commenced promptly; the clock was ticking with no time to lose. Then, the words, the assertion, that made Jane’s fists clench, a single statement uttered by the rival coach: â€Å"That girl’s weak, one charge at her, and she’ll be down again†. That girl was Jane, the offensive player, the unnerving forward, and she was enraged. Stinging pain from where the ball made contact with bare skin was quickly forgotten, even as the ugly red marks remained. The biting wind whipped strands of hair in her face, and Jane’s eyes squinted in the icy coldness. But her mind was defiantly set: she was on a mission to score. Adrenaline rushed through her bloodstream and her heart pounded rapidly as she rushed down the field. Jane swiftly maneuvered the ball with exact precision, imagining the moment the ball would enter the opponent’s goal. It was amazing how much satisfaction one solitary act could reward a person. One moment the white jersey of the defensive girl was coming at Jane’s way, ready to charge and steal the ball away. At the next instant, the sky was looking quite beautiful, sun shining, as the ball sailed swiftly into the white net. The whistle sounded shrilly and the multitude of onlookers erupted with excitement, the Warriors had defied an age old tradition, defeating the long-standing champions. The accomplishment, the pain-it made Jane triumphant that day. Against the odds, the underdog emerged victorious on the battlefield.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Becoming A Licensed Master Mechanic - 859 Words

In the technologically advancing world country that we live in, everything has to be fast and reliable. We want it right then and now, and if not we move on elsewhere. If the fast-food place has a noticeable line in the drive thru most people just go to another more â€Å"convenient† place. The growing inconvenience of commercial breaks has led to prosperity by the online media streaming services such as Netflix and Hulu. If where we get our food and TV from has to be fast and reliable then the demand for your car to be is an afterthought. Who is there to provide their services that keep own country and daily lives moving? These men and women have many names and specialties. Most would call them mechanics or automotive technicians. The most knowledgeable and experienced of this necessary trade are master mechanics. In order to become a licensed Master mechanic you have to be a lifelong student of the trade, have years of education and experience, and love and respect for th e trade itself. Proposed Project It has been known for centuries that complex machines need regular maintenance and repair when needed. From the first clocks ever created to the international space there were someone who specialized in repairing and upkeep them. This is especially necessarily for our everyday vehicles today that allow for us to have such a mobile life style. With the everyday wear and tear that we put on vehicles today, it only makes sense that there’s a demand for individuals who can keepShow MoreRelatedEssay on To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee694 Words   |  3 PagesEnglish writing. But a great English literature teacher will forever have a lasting impact upon their disciple, a great teacher will be able to provide their students with genuine interest in the mechanics of English literature. 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