Monday, November 25, 2019
Jane Eyre Study Research Paper Example
Jane Eyre Study Research Paper Example Jane Eyre Study Paper Jane Eyre Study Paper Essay Topic: Charlotte Temple Jane Eyre Literature The Winters Tale Winters Bone In the novel, when asked if she is book learned Jane replies yes very explore how, despite her early experiences at Lowood and the attitude towards schooling for girls in the nineteenth century Britain, Jane manages to immerge as an educated, young woman by the end of the novel. At Gateshead as a child, Jane is a sensitive, loving, intellectual and thoughtful character, she is keenly aware of her status as an outsider. Jane accepts the disapproval of both John Reed and his mother for their cruelty towards her. No; you are less than a servant(page 14), Although Jane is ill-treated by John, she is mostly disturbed by the fact that she is abused without Mrs. Reed caring, moreover, if she does try to speak out she is directly abandoned or ignored, once again. In addition to this Jane shows some knowledge of history throughout her reading, especially when she expresses her feelings towards John Reed, throughout her anger. Wicked and cruel boy! (Page13) You are like a murderer-you are like a slave drive-you are like the Roman emperors! (Page13) Jane Eyre shows some understanding about the Roman history even though she is living in the nineteenth century and has never been to school. She is fully aware of what and how the Roman emperors were, and their cruelty towards most people. Also as Jane gains confidence from her reading, she can fight back to John immediately, this implies John has no knowledge therefore he has nothing to say back to Jane and is gob smacked. Janes personality does not fit into any of the Reeds preferences; so Bessie tries to persuade Jane into being the way the Reeds prefer her to be. But if you become passionate and rude, Missis will send you away. (Page 15) The message given Jane informs the reader that it is wrong to be passionate at this time during the Victorian period was it was considered improper to be passionate. Therefore everything about Jane is wrong. Furthermore Bessie sets the scene for another section of the novel as she ends her sentence saying,Missis will send you away (page 15) This obviously gives the reader a clue into whats going to happen next, as Jane follows her own opinions and does not take into consideration any of the Reeds demands as she shows no knowledge in the warning that Bessie tries to give her. Jane feels divided from the rest of the Reed family, and they definitely do not do anything to make her feel more comfortable. John Reed says to Jane: You have no business to take our books; you are a dependant, mamma says; you have no money; your father left you none; you ought to beg and not to live here with gentlemans children like us. (Page 12) John states that Janes family was from a lower class and implying therefore she has no right to contribute or receive her love from the Reeds. Jane breaks away her relationship that she has with Mrs. Reed before going to Lowood, her last words to Mrs. Reed were. I will never call you aunt again as long as I live,( page 38) Jane shows the reader that she is slowly gaining independence, as she knows that she most probably wont meet the Reeds ever again and probably wouldnt want to meet them ever again. Jane gives us a sense of need for love as she has never been given the love, her imprisonment in the red-room has rendered into being more emotional, and it is not until she speaks these words to Mrs. Reed that she feels her soul begin to expand. (Page 40) Meaning she gains more confidence in speaking her mind, freely. Furthermore, the opening of this novel depicts the importance of payback as Jane declares that she will Tell anybody who asks me questions this exact tale. (Page 39) Jane expresses her power over and against her harsh aunt, Jane knows that she will meet new people and her life will start again in a new place and a new world with questions to be asked and answered. Jane feels alienated as she arrives at Lowood. This is exacerbated when Mr. Brocklehurst arrives and makes his decree like announcement that Jane is a: castaway-not a member of the true flock but evidently an interloper and an alien. You must be on your guard against her; you must shun her example, . Even on Jane Eyres first day of school she is tormented and mentally abused. One of the themes in this area of the book depicts hatred. Hatred is shown both ways from which Mr. Brocklehurst has treated Jane by excluding her from involving and socializing with the other pupils and teachers. Furthermore Jane Eyre is starved on the first day of school and has been put on the spot. As we can see in the first quotation Jane is known as a castaway and not a member of a true flock, meaning that she has been separated from anyone and has a lower status than anybody in the school. To end with Jane Eyre is given a lot of hatred from her little relationship between herself and Mr. Brocklehurst. In addition Janes desperation for Love is over, as she finds two new people in her school life, Helen Burn, her best friend and Mrs. Temple a teacher who is just like a mother to Jane. To gain some real affection from you, or Mrs. Temple, or any other whom I truly love, I would willingly submit to have the bone of my arm broken. (Page 71)In Lowood Jane Eyre, for the first time gets to express her love to her own loved ones. As she has never experienced love through friends, or a motherly like love through Mrs. Temple she is gradually building her confidence and is learning about relationships through her own ones. As Jane Eyres relationship strengthens with Helen Burns, suddenly, when she finds out that her best friend is dying, Jane has no reaction as Helen secures her. And I shall see you again, Helen, when I die? You will come to the same region of happiness (Page 83) For the first time in Janes life she feels the pain of losing a loved one; however she feels secure, as she knows Helen is going to go to a good palace, heaven. Jane also feels that when she dies she will be in the same place and meet her best friend once again. Before Jane leaves Lowood she assures her self of how Lowood was such a good place and the high standards of education she received. I had the means of an excellent education placed within my reach (Page 83). Jane has gained this satisfying eight year experience at school from which she has learnt so much, therefore she now believes in her self as an upwards independent educated woman. She may also be thankful to her aunt Reed for sending her to Lowood because without her aunts decision Jane would have never been to school, in addition to this Jane is ready to step out into the outside world as she is educated she probably would find a job quite easily. At Thornfield, Jane enters a new psychological state of being. She is no longer mistreated, abused, or ignored. Mr. Rochester would be glad if you and your pupil would take tea with him in the drawing room this evening (page 120). Jane feels secure and that she is well kept, she is told to do things in a polite manner and for the first time is treated with respect. Jane has never had this experience; therefore this would psychologically create a new state of being. Jane will gain an overwhelming amount of confidence and therefore she may also enhance her emotions and passion towards others. This is the first time Jane converses freely with a man. Apart from the social, historical, inhibitions that she communicates with, Jane also has her own unique sense of right or wrong. This means the portrait of Jane as a Victorian woman is inevitably one infused with morals and manners. Jane is very aware of her position as a subordinate; this leads her to restrict communications with her master. Jane over analyses almost every moment of every encounter with Rochester, this indicates that she is interested in him and has started to learn more about him. He made me love him without looking at him (page Janes relationship with Mr. Rochester gradually increases as she is having more debates and conversations with him. This shows us that not only is Jane learning to be independent and talk for herself, but she is also building on her relationships towards others and Mr. Rochester. Interestingly one of the reasons Jane has been looked down upon in her early years is a clear lack of unconventional beauty. This is perhaps one of the reasons Bronte makes it clear that Rochester too has such an appearance. Was Mr. Rochester now ugly in my eyes? (Page 148). Due to the fact that Jane is asking herself this question, we can see that there is some kind of correlation between her and her loves appearance. The message that Charlotte Bronte is trying to get across is that: love is not only about ideal appearances it is about the inner persons beliefs and the personality of the person. Charlotte Bronte uses very clever metaphors to describe Janes growing feelings. My thin-crescent destiny seemed to enlarge; the banks of existence were filled up; (page147). Jane has never given or received love from childhood. The sensation of love to Jane is indescribable as she has no experience, and probably doesnt know what love is. Therefore Mr. Rochester plays a big part in Janes life as he introduces her to love and teaches her to love and understand others. For the first time Jane undergoes jealousy over a man even though she cannot accept the concept of herself being jealous. But I was not jealous, or very rarely; the nature of the pain I suffered not be explained by that word. (Page 185) Janes jealousy overcomes her feelings as she admits that she is more than jealous. Again this goes back to Jane learning new ways to resolve her emotions and find her way around her work and social life. Jane is now mature and does not have any emotional effects whilst Mrs. Reed reveals why she hates Jane so much. I had a dislike to her mother; for she was my husbands only sister, and a great favorite with him: he opposed the family disowning her when she made her low marriage; and when the news came for her death, he wept like a simpleton. (Page 230). As a matter of fact Jane is quite grateful to Mrs. Reed for telling her about why she was always tormented in her childhood. In a way Mrs. Reed also shows a sense of humbleness as she now sees the burden fully grown up as a modest young educated woman. Charlotte Bronte uses beautiful personification to set the scene for the proposal. Had gone to bed with the sun. (Page 246) At the beginning of chapter twenty three, Bronte describes a fairytale like morning which also reflects on the feelings that Jane is going through at this moment. It describes a pleasant romantic time of day which introduces natural beauty. This may also be picking out on the purity of nature and how the place Jane is sitting in is very Eden like. Jane was gob smacked when she found out that Mr. Rochester was soon going to be married to Miss Ingram. This was a blow; but I did not let it prostrate me. (Page 248) Jane is so irritated but she wont let her emotions fall over her as she is still sitting beside Mr. Rochester in this wonderful romantic evening. Therefore this also means that Jane is learning to be a strong person and also learning to control her emotions which also tell us that she is now a young mature woman and doesnt need anyone to depend on. Through Janes experiences she learns to display her independence towards her love. I stood erect before him. (Page 252) Not only does Bronte use sexually describing word to create drama in the novel but she shows Jane as an upwards manly independent person who gives us the idea of herself doing what she thinks is right, and what her heart tells her to do. So basically she is under no pressure and no ones rights. Jane was delighted when she was told that she is to be the future Miss Rochester. I do and if an oath is necessary to satisfy, I swear it. This gives the readers a wow feeling as Jane and the reader is tricked by Mr. Rochesters sudden agreement of getting to married to her. Furthermore after the proposal there are many sexual verbs included in the novel. I ejaculated (page 253). This may refer to both of the characters knowing that they are soon going to married and as they are Christians they may have an understanding of sex after marriage is permissible so therefore this may give the reader the sense of them wanting to have sex probably straight after marriage. Jane is confused about two big decisions she has to make in her life. I must leave him, it appears. I do not want to leave him-I cannot leave him. (Page 296). As Jane is stuck and cannot make the decisions from what her brain and heart is telling her she has become a frantic panicky person and doesnt know what to do. This decision is also based on her learning throughout her life because its up to her to choose whats good or bad for her and her future. Charlotte Bronte has used a great amount of techniques to create tension between two characters. Erect he sprang; he held his arms out; but I evaded the embrace, and at once quitted the room. (Page 316). Bronte uses a good combination of alliteration to speed up the pace, create high anxiety and tension and also to emphasize feelings in a much quicker but detailed way. Jane Eyres desperation for God was intense. His omnipotence, I had risen to my needs to pay for Mr. Rochester. (Page 321). Jane gains a closer relationship with God, at this point she has time to reflect on what has happened and if it was for the good or not. The readers may think that at this time Jane may have a slight remembrance of her best friend Helen Burns as she was the one who taught, and helped Jane believe in God and ask him to help if the world turns Its back onto you. Once again Jane engages the reader through every step of her life. Do not ask me, reader, to give a minute account of that day; (page 325). Jane does not directly tell the reader about how awful that day was, but cleverly says it indirectly, to imply the dull, venomous, dark yesterday. This again catches the readers eyes because as the story telling goes on there are aspects of the novel which includes the reader so they also feel that they are in a part of this life experience. Jane carries on her journey only by following the path that her feet take her as she then reached the Rivers house in Morton. It is very well we took her in. yes; she would have been found dead at the door in the morning. (Page 335). At last there is some one that cares about Jane even though she doesnt know them at all. For the first time Jane has explored the outer world by herself and for once found herself sleeping in a warm comfortable bed with a nice little happy family. Janes relationship with the Rivers gradually grows as she no longer known as an outsider but as friend. Indicated to us the residence of you friends (page 342). Jane is slowly learning how to engage with people she doesnt know. As a result of her participation she has very quickly gained a family or even real close friends. She has rapidly built trust on these people and has treated them with respect so the obviously they do the same back. The message to the readers from this section of the novel is what goes around comes around therefore if you have caused no grief to others you most probably wouldnt receive grief from others. Janes old memories and hobbies are coming back to her in Morton. I like to read what they like to read. (Page 346). Even at this point Jane is learning new things and gaining higher education as she use to do in Lowood. In Lowood because Jane had nothing to do her hobbies would mostly be reading, therefore reading at this age not only gives Jane more education but it brings back childhood memories which may be a good or bad thing for Jane. Furthermore Charlotte Bronte creates a lot of competition between Jane and others throughout the story. I see now your habits have been what the world calls refined: your tastes lean to the ideal, and your society hast been amongst the educate ;( page 350). As Jane is educated many judge her due to the fact that she is a benefit to others living around Morton as there are not many schools or governesses in the area therefore people are fond of educated men and women that arrive in the village or town. Jane tries to hide the facts about the past. My home, then-when I at last find a home-in a cottage ;( page 355). Bronte uses excellent punctuality to create a sense of pauses, moreover to show a sense of hesitation and Janes Instability of her past. This tells the reader that not only has Jane ran away to keep away from Mr. Rochester but she ran away to forget about her past and start a new peaceful, elegant life. Janes new life as a school teacher was very pleasing. I began personally like some of the best girls; and they liked me. (Page 362) Janes new life was settling ad began to create new relationships with other students. After all, all that studying at Lowood did pay off in the end. Jane felt pleased with herself for the first time she did something that benefited her and other girls that were at the age of when Jane herself went Lowood For the first time after many years Jane comes out of poverty and receives her own money. Merely to tell you that your uncle, Mr. Eyre of Madeira, is dead and that he has left you all his property and that you are now rich-merely that. (Page 377). Jane finds out that has some type of relationship with her dads family but the bad thing is that one of them has died. Jane has learnt so much throughout her life that when she finds out about this money that she inherits, she straight away talks about sharing it with the rivers who are now her cousins. Jane goes melodramatic when she is proposed again my St John her half cousin. Nonsense, again! Marry! I dont want to marry. Jane will not accept this marriage because she believes that you have to love the man to be able to marry him and Jane doesnt love him therefore she wont marry him. The reader may also still think that Jane still has a lot of feelings for Mr. Rochester and will never be able to forget him ever again. To end of with she will purely not marry him due to the fact that he just wants a wife as a business partner and to travel with throughout there life, he also mentions that Jane is strong and has a good personality so therefore her hand in business would be very helpful. Even though Jane doesnt accept this marriage she still makes St John feel welcome. let us be friends. (Page 407). Jane is now mature enough, therefore she will try and make new relationships and resolve old ones. She makes St John feel comfortable as he hesitates to speak to Jane as she had disapproved the proposal. At the beginning of chapter thirty seven Brontes descriptions were very gothic. Characteristics of sad sky, cold gale, and continued, small, penetrating rain. (Page 425). This setting is the opposite to the setting that was described in the setting to the proposal of Mr. Rochester and Jane. Even though the descriptions may be gothic it still gives the reader an idea of a cold romantic winters evening. Jane only accomplished Mr. Rochester as her master. It was my mater, Edward Fairfax Rochester (page 426). Jane was delighted to see Mr. Rochester but in the same way still a bit angry for what had happened on there wedding day. Jane addresses Mr. Rochester by his full name, this may imply her respect for him and that her relation only goes as far as a governess and a master. Jane notices Mr. Rochesters sense of jealousy. You have spoken of him often: do you like him? (Page 435). Bronte makes a reverse in both characters, Jane and Rochester. Before Jane felt a sense of jealousy from Miss Ingram and now Rochester feels a sense of jealousy from St John. This collides with each other creating a little debate or two subjects that tease both characters if they are talked about. In the last paragraph of the novel Jane includes the reader. When his first born (page 446) the boy had inherited hid own eyes (page 446). Charlotte Bronte gives us an overview of what happened in the future, including the bit when Janes and Rochesters relationship and love or each other increases as they have a baby of there own and now can live as a happy family with no interruptions. My personal response I personally think that charlotte Bronte has created a really good and interesting novel. Also I believe that Jane Eyre has learnt so many new things in her life from living with child abuse to becoming a modest young women and even getting to the point of solving her relationship problems. I think that the most important thing that Jane has learnt is to love, most probably because she didnt know what love was, she never received any love from childhood and was never taught to love. Jane is an independent and well educated woman and I dont think she will ever drop again in life.
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